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What Happened to Yesterday thumbnail

What Happened to Yesterday

What Happened to Yesterday thumbnail

Featuring abstracted landscapes and spaces by Kim Harrison, Pat Gibson, and Miriam Traher.

“Like a little room of my own, I had the lower bunk of the bed when I was a child.
There was a window at its foot, and a nail in the sill, and early mornings,
just as the light was dawning, I’d place my pillow where my feet had been,
cinch the curtain behind the handy nail, letting what light there was come in
on my book of Celtic stories.

These told of the Sidhe, a great tribe of marvellous beauty and ability, who passed into legend
and people the landscape as nature spirits, nature moods.

And on some days, in certain places, the sparkling, morning-of-the-world quality that inhabits
those tales visits the hills and lakes, woods, valleys and fields, with a glamour.
Farmers, blonde giants who might be Cuchulainn or Oisin,
riding tractors, pulling wide wagons heaped with hay so sweet smelling,
turn in narrow lanes and smile, for they know
they are holding you up on your bicycle.

And then you come home, blinking, and try to make the shimmering colours
that dazzled you then, and long ago while bowed over a magic book.”
-Kim Harrison

“I love old things shaped by time, use and life. A rusted old car or faded cracked plaster walls or crumbling cement. Items left to time and elements randomly making their mark, making their presence known. Yet there is nothing better than the fresh mark of the present randomly thrown in. A graffiti mark, bright red lipstick, a shiny handle or a fresh coat of paint. It’s the combination of the old and the new. The story of where we come from, the hints and shouts of our past connected to today, sprinkled with dreams and ideas about tomorrow. I can’t paint about today, my experience and feelings, without parts of my past and future dreams being woven throughout. I am constantly working to contrast space and form and continually drawn to line and colour and the struggle to find the balance, the space, the secrets and stories waiting to be told.”
– Miriam Traher

“I planned on continuing my work with water when I started these paintings.
Just outside my studio window is my garden and it sometimes works its way into my paintings so during this autumn just before we put the whole garden to bed for winter I was drawn to all the overgrown tangles with the odd remaining bloom here and there.
Also my next door neighbour wins the tangle prize for her unkept sunflower patch which takes my attention every time I walk past.
I love to scribble . The drawings on mylar are very much “Pat Gibson” language.”
– Pat Gibson

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