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Meghan Dauphinee

Nature is a powerful draw for acrylic painter and textile artist Meghan Dauphineé. An avid hiker and paddler, she fuels artistic expression with the raw energy of Canada’s wild places, from B.C.’s Juan de Fuca Trail to Ontario’s Algonquin Park interior. Every work becomes a voyage of discovery, from images captured while canoeing through the solitary expanse of a northern Canadian lake to burrowing into the gritty environment of an urban streetscape. Meghan was born in London, Ont. She studied at Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (Halifax) and graduated from Kootenay School of the Arts (Nelson, B.C.).
Meghan Dauphinee

Available Artwork by Meghan Dauphinee

acrylic on canvas

24 x 36 x 1.5 ″


acrylic on canvas

30 x 34 x 1 ″


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