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Who Knit Ya and Tales from the Rock thumbnail

Who Knit Ya and Tales from the Rock

Who Knit Ya and Tales from the Rock thumbnail

Curtis Doherty’s solo exhibition on display concurrently with Newfoundland inspired works by Clare Bice, Lisa Johnson, Pearl Van Geest, Kevin Bice, and Kara McIntosh.

Reception with Curtis Doherty on Thursday February 22nd from 6:30 to 8:30pm.

Who Knit Ya is a vibrant exploration through a forgotten “new found land.” In 1930 a one-legged woman gathered all she had into a raggedy old chest and left Newfoundland for Quebec with her 6 year old son. Armfuls of photos, documents, and objects lied there for a century. What you are about to see is all of this brought to light; brought to life.
Witness the reality of the boy and his one-legged mother navigate the harsh landscape and time, the abandonment from the father,and the beauty of The Rock. “Who Knit Ya?” is a common Newfoundland term that asks who one’s parents are – a question this young boy asked his whole life. It begs to ask who we really are, and what legacy will we leave? It would be beyond folklore for anyone depicted here to imagine themselves captured in artworks a century later, and morever what their toil paid forward. So as you view this work be inspired to acknowledge the fact that we are just the tip of a larger iceberg, in a larger historical story. Ask yourself with introspection: “WHO KNIT YA?

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